Sunday, April 20, 2008

Not important

I have to admit that I think about really stupid stuff most of the time. Right now I'm thinking about how many hours of sleep I'll get if I go home right now, What I'm going to wear tomorrow...if it'll be nice outside again, whether or not my food I just bought at the grocery will be okay in the car until I get home, that maybe my husband would look good if he shaved all his hair (right now he has a mo-hawk) I'm thinking that I need to cut and paint my nails...maybe tomorrow. I want to think about important stuff. You know, things that really matter. I want to do something crazy cool and adventurous. I think it's coming for me. I just don't want to fill my life with things that really aren't important. Things that culture tells us is important. That's what I want.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I need internet at home!

I'm sitting in my parents spare bedroom using the internet because we don't have it yet at home. Problem is we stay here way too long most of the time and i end up not getting enough sleep. Oh sweet sleep. I want to start making things. Creative things. Again. I used to make things so much and it made me so happy. I want to do cards, purses! paintings, photography, clothes, coin purses, cute appliqué patches for plain clothes. Man! I need to do this stuff! Yeh. I'm gonna do this stuff.